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Immersive Art Project "I AM NOT NOTHING" (INN)

"I AM NOT NOTHING" (INN) is a project led by JUST ART ASSOCIATION, based on real-life experiences of individuals related to bullying, with the participation of international artists. It began in 2022 with artists from Spain and China, using virtual reality technologies, art installations, video, literature, lighting, sound, and live performances.


App | Castilian | Catalan | Children and Young | English | Families | Highlights | Prevention | Professionals | Teatre | Vídeo


Play "Girls like that"

GIRLS LIKE THAT is a play by Evan Placey that has been performed across Europe. It tackles the themes of cyberbullying and sexual stigmatization among teenagers. The Catalan version is produced by the theater company Càlam (an affiliated entity). The performance lasts 75 minutes, followed by a post-show discussion, and includes a teaching proposal with workshops and a guide for educators.

Activitat | Catalan | Children and Young | Ciberbullying | Dating violence | Highlights | Prevention | Professionals | Programa educatiu | Teatre


AI and Child Sexual Abuse report 2024

The Internet Watch Foundation has updated its Artificial Intelligence and the Production of Child Sexual Abuse Imagery report, originally published in 2023. The danger continues to grow, with increasingly disturbing images. The update coincides with a report on TV3 News (Catalunya) about this threat, featuring the participation of Dr. Irene Montiel and Dr. Noemí Pereda, Children's Rights Network collaborators, of which PDA Bullying is a part.

Catalan | English | Families | Informe | Professionals | Vídeo


Projecte "Good Game" (Asociación Amasu i Dreamcatchers productions)

Castilian | Certificada | Children and Young | Ciberbullying | Curtmetratge | Dating violence | Emotional education | Families | Llibre | Pel·lícula | Prevention | Professionals | Programa educatiu | Recurs educatiu | Suïcidi | Vídeo | Web


L'Ins La Ferreria dóna eines als alumnes per afrontar el 'bullying'

Vídeo educació emocional per a la prevenció de la violència.

Prevention | Vídeo


#1000LIKES (Forum Theatre on Cyberbullying)

The NUS cooperative (an entity affiliated with PDA Bullying), comprised of professionals from the performing arts and the social sector, offers theatrical productions addressing social issues. Among them, we highlight the play 1000 LIKES, which focuses on cyberbullying.

Children and Young | Ciberbullying | Dating violence | Families | Highlights | Prevention | Professionals | Teatre


Campaña 'Acabemos con el Bullying'

Campaña prevención Bullying y ciberbullying (Fundación ANAR y Fundación Mutua Madrileña)

Campanya | Children and Young | Concurs | Estadístiques | Investigació | Prevention | Professionals | Recurs educatiu | Vídeo


El bullying, un fenomen de grup

Artícle de Raquel Font al @ARAcriatures

Article | Prevention


Guide of Tools and Resources: Paving the Way to a Livable Life

We present "Paving the Way to a Livable Life: A Guide of Tools and Resources for Addressing Self-Harm and Suicide in the Socio-Educational Field," born from the collaboration between the PDA Bullying Platform and Equip SEER, with the support of the Xarxa de Drets de la Infància, SAIF, the Peruvian Society of Suicidology, the Mental Health Department of the Barcelona City Council, and ACISE-ACEESE.

Action | Autolesions-en | Castilian | Catalan | Detection | Families | Guia | Highlights | Kit de herramientas | PDA Bullying | Prevention | Professionals | Recomended | Recurs educatiu | Suïcidi


Internet segura de tu a tu

Des de l’any 2013 el Cos de Mossos d’Esquadra va posar en marxa el pla “Internet Segura de tu a tu” per tal d’arribar als joves i assessorar-los en l’ús de les xarxes socials i internet. Us volem mostrar les experiències d’alguns nois i noies que han participat en el projecte, ells mateixos us ho expliquen en els vídeos que acompanyen aquesta entrada.

Campanya | Ciberbullying | Detection | Prevention | Recurs educatiu


No temas más (tema musical)

No Temas Más (Cancion Antibullying) interpretada por Manu Ortiz con su correspondiente videoclip.

Children and Young | Prevention | Videoclip


Toolbox Against Online Violence: "If It Happens, Don't Ignore It" (Save The Children)

"If It Happens, Don't Ignore It" is a resource developed by Save the Children, aimed at educational institutes and organizations working with adolescents aged 14 to 17. It provides the necessary materials to conduct a workshop, available in Catalan, Spanish, and Basque. The resource includes an interactive guide for educators, explanatory videos, as well as dynamics and games designed to address these issues in the classroom, with the aim of raising awareness through a gender-sensitive approach.

Castilian | Catalan | Ciberbullying | Dating violence | Dinàmica | Guia | Highlights | Kit de herramientas | Prevention | Professionals | Recurs educatiu | Taller
